Sunday, May 13, 2018

Vacation Rental or Hotel: 5 Reasons to Choose a Vacation Rental Over a Hotel

Whether it is some much needed family time, a romantic getaway, or a girl/guy trip, vacation rentals by owners are always a better option compared to a hotel. There are so many different kinds of vacation rentals to choose from: houses, condos, cabins, chalets, or even tiny houses!

Just the fact that you’ll finally have more options for vacation accommodations is a BIG DEAL! In many cases it’s the largest expense in the vacation budget. So, if you’re a budget conscious traveler, you’ll definitely want to review these 10 reasons because you’ll find so many of them will save you money.

There are many reas­ons vaca­tion rent­als are a very good options for tour­ists. Here are five reas­ons why you should choose a vaca­tion rental for your next hol­i­day in Vienna:

Save Money: Vaca­tion Rent­als Less Expensive 

Usu­ally vaca­tion rent­als are avail­able at a lower price than hotels even though you have all of the amen­it­ies of a per­sonal home. Our vaca­tion rental is avail­able at EUR 75 per night which is below most 4-star hotels in the same region of Vienna and even less expens­ive than many 3-star hotels.

You also can save a lot of money by utilizing the kit­chen of the vaca­tion rental in order to avoid eat­ing every meal at a more or less expens­ive restaurant.

More Space: Whole Apart­ment Instead of Tiny Room 

One of the biggest advant­ages of most vaca­tion rent­als is the avail­able space in com­par­ison to hotel rooms. You might think that space is not much of a big deal, since you only use your room for sleep­ing. But wouldn't it be nice to talk about the day's exper­i­ences while sit­ting on a com­fort­able couch or din­ing table?

Our vaca­tion rental is applic­able up to 2 people, but there other vaca­tion rent­als offer­ing mul­tiple bed­rooms and/or bath­rooms. Thus traveling groups have plenty of space to spend time together.

Pre­pare Your Own Meals 

Most vaca­tion rent­als like our Holiday apartment include a fully equipped kit­chen, so you can save a lot of money by pre­par­ing your own meals and snacks. Another great advant­age of an included kit­chen is that it increases your flex­ib­il­ity a lot. You won't miss any break­fast when sleep­ing in.

You can even have your indi­vidual break­fast plate instead of the standardized break­fast offer in a hotel. And you won't have to get dressed up just for break­fast and spend your first morn­ing time with many oth­ers in the break­fast hall of the hotel.

More Amen­it­ies 

Vaca­tion rent­als are often stocked with all the basics you use in your daily life, includ­ing dish­ware, cook­ware, bed­ding, tow­els, laun­dry facil­it­ies, indoor/outdoor fur­niture, games and enter­tain­ment sys­tems. Our vaca­tion rental even provides bicycles to explore Vienna by bike.

Loc­a­tion: More Vaca­tion Rent­als than Hotels 

Vaca­tion rent­als can be found all over Vienna and nearly any­where you want to go. Thus book­ing a vaca­tion rental gives you a wider range of loc­a­tion to choose from.
